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16 December, 2008

Annoying aspects of Video Games

1. Teh Freeze -You are just about to finally cross the lava maze/obtain the crypt key/sniper the terrorist leader when suddenly the game just freezes. Nothing you can do but hit that big ole reset button and hurl your controller at the wall.

2. Stuck in a wall - Similar to the freeze and perhaps just as annoying is the classic "get stuck behind an object/in a wall" trick that happens when you just go off exploring in a game. I am guaranteed to find myself stuck behind some sort of object during any game only to waste several hours trying to jump and wiggle my way out of it.

2. Slooooow loading times - I'm talking between levels here, people, levels. I remember getting my Ps2 and thinking "Great! This machine will obviously have cut down on loading times". Wrong. They made the games more complicated and so the levels were just as slow to load. Took a while to save too.

3. Lack of load and play - With the advent of more sophisticated consoles we lose the highly underrated ability to just stick a disk in and start playing. Now one must subscribe to the network, download this update, install that file. You have to set aside at least 15 minutes prior to playing.

4. Super slow start up - As RZ reminded me, it is also painful to wait while a game loads. Not because of technology but simply because every developer and their cousin wants their logo to be seen before the game loads up.

5. Video Cut-sequences - Well, actually I enjoy a good cut-sequence. It adds some depth to a game and usually makes good use of the fancy graphics. What I don't like is not being able to skip said video cut-sequences especially when I have seen them 20 times from continued dying.

6. Crap completion sequences - You finally complete the game. All that hard work, blood sweat and tears was for something after all. Yes, a crappy end sequence. Cue scrolling credits (which you also can't skip) and cheesy music. There is no way of stopping it and you have to sit it out just to see if there are any bonuses!

7. Lack of saving - I like to save. I save often. I dislike games were I am limited in my saving ability or it's out of my control. What will quickly turn me off a game is having to perform the same thing again and again because I keep screwing it up and couldn't save it. It just sucks the fun right out!

1 comment:

Paul said...

4 and 7 are my biggest peeves. When you have limited gaming time there's nothing more annoying than having to reach a "save point" in order to save your game before you quit.

Let me hit START/OPTIONS/SAVE anywhere and anytime, pls thnks.